愛要及時 行孝要及時
Ivan Nova Statistics and History | Baseball-Reference.com好溫馨! 看過情侶在火車裡曬恩愛,也看過老夫老妻互相依偎著睡覺但是你看過讓爸爸躺在自己大腿上面睡覺的嗎?及時行孝,雖然只是一個小小的動作也能感動他們!!!! 2015: 1-2, 2.65 ERA, 9 SO,Career: 41-24, 4.15 ERA, 414 SO, P, Yankees 2010-2015, t:R, born in Domin. 1987, 'Super Nova' ... Summation of season totals only works for the initial case when the table is in year order. On a sorted table the results may get a...