so far

Chad Vader : Day Shift Manager - A Galaxy Not So Far Away : S1 Ep1 - YouTube 今天要說這事,和這個媽媽有關...     在上周,這個生活在倫敦的媽媽帶着自己一歲的兒子來到了倫敦著名的V&A博物館,就在參觀的時候,孩子餓了,於是媽媽很自然地掀開衣服準備餵奶……   但是就在掀衣服的這一個瞬間,博物館的一個工作人員看到CHAD VADER SEASON 3 DVD IS OUT! Take a look: Chad's on Facebook: --Life is hard when you're Darth Vader's less-talented, less-charismatic younger brother and you manage a grocery...


Sony Got Hacked Hard: What We Know and Don't Know So Far | WIRED  導語   從180斤黃臉婆逆襲成18歲少女,瘦下來簡直堪比重新投胎!   (圖片來源:周翠華個人微博、ins) 來源:娛樂圈頭版(lvyou268)原創,轉載請獲取授權   在你腦海中 40多歲生過4個baby的家庭主婦 可能就是「老阿姨」的形象吧! 身材Editors’ note, 2:30 p.m. ET 12/04/14: After further reporting, we have updated the sections “How Did This Hack Occur?” and “Was Data Destroyed or Just Stolen?” with new information about the nature of the attack and malware used in it. Who knew that Sony’...


Charlie Hebdo attack: what we know so far | World news | The Guardian    這兩天朋友圈都在熱議一個話題: 「我讓女性朋友坐了副駕,為什么女朋友就要跟我分手?」       多位男士都表示: 開車同時送女票和女性朋友回家, 結果女性朋友坐到了副駕駛, 女票坐到了后座, 回去後女票就不開心了,要鬧分手...... &n• Twelve people were killed when two masked gunmen opened fire in the offices of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo at 11.30 on Wednesday morning – nine journalists with the magazine, a building maintenance worker and two police officers. Laurent Léger,...


The 200 Best Tracks of the Decade So Far (2010-2014) | Pitchfork  她叫羅丹, 生在湖南,學在江南。 是個典型的90後女孩, 愛冒險、做事執着、自然洒脫。   大學畢業後, 羅丹進入廣州一家雜誌社擔任編輯。 工作之餘, 旅行成為她最好的夥伴。   曾經一個人, 一個背包,一台單反, 遊歷二十多個省。   在最好的年紀, 去In retrospect, “Dance Yrself Clean” was the ticking clock counting down LCD Soundsystem’s final moments as a band. But it was also a grand, benevolent gesture of resolve: “We should try a little harder/ In the tedious march of the few,” James Murphy groan...


The 100 Best Albums of the Decade So Far (2010-2014) | Pitchfork  美國當地時間7月20日,林肯公園樂隊(Linkin Park)主唱查斯特·貝寧頓(Chester Bennington)在洛杉磯的家中自縊身亡,年僅41歲。他的家人在美國時間上29日中午在他的住所附近為他舉行了私人葬禮。       在眾多對Neither toxicologist nor translator can interpret Young Thug. His vocabulary is a creole of Atlanta trap slang, Hopelandic, and the language of thought—the yeows, yelps, and coos used by babies to communicate. His bloodstream is equal parts Strawberry Jol...
