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Apple: yes, we were hacked, here’s your fix 出處:Cheers雜誌94 作者:祝康偉 攝影:王竹君若問我給我老公「蔡大哥」(蔡詩萍)打幾分?我想應該是88分吧!這個分數很不錯,因為快要接近A了。不過,談戀愛的時候,他並沒有這麼好。剛認識時,他的孤僻指數非常高。當時他在晚報工作,上的是白天班,我那時播新聞,都是上晚班。彼此時間天南地北,好不容“All computers affected were workmachines by employees who are avid Minecraft gamers and/or Adobe software users, a problem easily preventable if people stopped coding desktop applications and supplements in Java.”, said Apple PR Manager and Security ......


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