ipin laser

iPinlaser1、日本裸體節 裸體節是日本民族的一種節日,每年都舉行,時間一般是夏天或冬天。參加者必須穿最少的衣服,一條纏腰帶或者寬鬆外套即可。當然了,很少有人會全部裸露,不過在人群中見到全裸的,你也不必驚訝,而且摸一摸他還能帶來好運與幸福呢。   2、西班牙跳嬰節 在西班牙基督聖體節上,成人會從新生兒iPin is designed for mobile platforms and smart design tool products. It is so small, it fits almost completely inside the headphone minijack. Together with the free iPin app, you can wirelessly control presentation slides on your computer right from...


[開箱] iPin 手機雷射簡報器,還可當耳機孔塞使用(iPhone專用) | 硬是要學 如果跟女友坦白存款只剩3000元的話,她到底是會離開你呢還是離開你呢還是離開你呢。最近一位網友親身經歷告訴我們,世間竟有如此好的女人...   原po我女朋友雖然不算正,但是在穿著包包鞋子上很講究,買的都是很貴的東西,這讓我有些負荷不起。最近她又約我去逛百貨公司,但我真的存款只剩下300對於商務人士而言,隨身攜帶雷射筆或簡報筆是很合情合理的,不過有時難免忘記帶出門,現在有一款可以直接裝在 iPhone 上使用的雷射簡報器 iPin 誕生了,它的體積只有3.5mm耳機頭左右的大小,不僅可以插入手機當耳機孔塞來使用,拿在手上幾乎感覺不 ......


iPin: World's Smallest Laser Pointer & Wireless Presenter for iPhone, iPad & iOS Devices (Standard L     1. 你們是不是每天就是看書看小說?不,我們每天還要向人們解釋我們都在幹什麼。2. 你們學這個有什麼用?的確是不能直接種出大米來。3. 你以後應該會去當老師吧?大家在語文課之外都沒有接觸過中文了是麼。4. 那你以後能幹什麼?選擇不多,只能幹那些機器幹不來的事兒。5. 我iPin - powered laser pointer presenter for iPhone ... iPin is the world's smallest laser presenter for the iPhone (it works with iPad and iPod touch as well). It is so small, it fits almost completely inside the headphone minijack....


iPin Laser Pointer - The Gadget Flow | Discover Awesome Products, Daily!一個16歲的女孩跟她母親說她已經2個月沒來了…… 母親一聽不得了趕緊去藥房買了驗孕劑來確認一下…… 結果女孩真的懷孕了! 母親又哭又罵的問到:「到底是那個渾蛋幹的好事,你給我從實招來!!」 女孩只好打了通電話…… 文The iPin Laser Pointer equips your iPhone with a powerful laser beam. That’s right - your iPhone is now just as powerful as a Jedi lightsaber – the only fe...


iPin Laser Presenter for iPhone review - The Gadgeteer – Reviewing gadgets and gizmos since 1997網上關於鐵達尼號的結局炒的很火,貌似有很多版本,分享下來自網友的結局。              如果鐵達尼號最後沒有撞冰山,那麼結局會是怎樣?Rose 是否會與Jack廝守終老。抑或如某位豆友所說;」本該是一次轉頭就忘的約炮,卻Just when you thought there wasn’t anything more that you could do with your iPhone, comes the iPin Laser Presenter, which adds a laser pointer to your ph ... Just when you thought there wasn’t anything more that you could do with your iPhone, comes the i...


iPin: the world's smallest laser pointer for iOS and Android 世界新七大奇蹟、巴西里約熱內盧象徵,超級巨大的救世基督像 Cristo Redentor,相信許多人都有看過,聳立於山頂之上俯瞰整個城市,是市民的精神支柱。但前些日子耶穌像慘遭雷擊,手指以及頭頂皆有損傷,但要在總高 38 公尺並位於 710 公尺的科科瓦多山頂之上修復耶穌像,是If you're giving a business presentation, or just want to play with your cat, the iPin is for you. It's the world's smallest laser pointer for iOS and Android devices. It's so small, it fits in the iPhone's headphone jack with no protruding parts. Though ...
