ipin laser android

[開箱] iPin 手機雷射簡報器,還可當耳機孔塞使用(iPhone專用) | 硬是要學★喜歡文章請按讚!★ 這才叫做最強釘子戶啊!!!!! ★喜歡文章請按讚!★對於商務人士而言,隨身攜帶雷射筆或簡報筆是很合情合理的,不過有時難免忘記帶出門,現在有一款可以直接裝在 iPhone 上使用的雷射簡報器 iPin 誕生了,它的體積只有3.5mm耳機頭左右的大小,不僅可以插入手機當耳機孔塞來使用,拿在手上幾乎感覺不 ......


iPin: the world's smallest laser pointer for iOS and Android★喜歡文章請按讚!★ 兄弟,對不起啊~~~這次玩大了(汗) ★喜歡文章請按讚!★If you're giving a business presentation, or just want to play with your cat, the iPin is for you. It's the world's smallest laser pointer for iOS and Android devices. It's so small, it fits in the iPhone's headphone jack with no protruding parts. Though ...


iPin Laser Pointer - The Gadget Flow | Discover Awesome Products, Daily!★喜歡文章請按讚!★ 媽媽~媽媽~!! 為什麼她們都叫我「蒲公英」呢??? ★喜歡文章請按讚!★The iPin Laser Pointer equips your iPhone with a powerful laser beam. That’s right - your iPhone is now just as powerful as a Jedi lightsaber – the only fe...


iPin Laser Presenter for iPhone review - The Gadgeteer – Reviewing gadgets and gizmos since 1997★喜歡文章請按讚!★ We Love Obama!!! ★喜歡文章請按讚!★Just when you thought there wasn’t anything more that you could do with your iPhone, comes the iPin Laser Presenter, which adds a laser pointer to your ph ... Just when you thought there wasn’t anything more that you could do with your iPhone, comes the i...


iTrio 3 in 1 Laser Pointer Pen - USB Android Adapter - Micro SD to USB Adapter - YouTube以下三種情況.... 真的很孤單 也太可憐了...   . ......我快哭了     永遠孤單一人!!!http://www.google-store.com sent me this 3 in 1 pen and a few other gadgets to review.. 3 in 1 Pen http://www.google-store.com/WebConten... 4GB USB Flashdrive http://www.google-store.com/WebConten... Micro SD Card Reader http://www.google-store.com/webcon...


事務機_HP_印表機/標籤機_電腦周邊_紐頓e世界     能切成這樣,i 服了 you!  © 2005 - 2015 紐頓e世界 版權所有,保留所有權利。 | 台灣台北市八德路一段66號,70號 | Tel: 網路購物部 02-2351-8822 E-mail: nt66start@gmail ......
