
Brassiere - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A brassiere (UK /ˈbræzɪər/ or US /brəˈzɪər/), commonly referred to as a bra /ˈbrɑː/, is a woman's undergarment that supports her breasts. Bras are typically form-fitting and perform a variety of functions; not only do women usually wear them to support th...

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  中國人愛吃餃子,對家喻戶曉的「灣仔碼頭」自然不陌生。 色鮮味美皮薄餡厚個大味鮮,咬一口芳香四溢。 可又有多少人認識「灣仔碼頭」背後的女人——臧健和呢?   1945年,臧健和出生在山東日照某個偏遠農村。窮人家的孩子早當家,父親在她很小的時候就離家,她從...
