
Units: D - The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

D D the Roman numeral 500. D-an obsolete symbol for the metric prefix deka- or deca-, seen in combinations such as DL (dekaliter) or DTH (dekatherm). The correct prefix is da-. dag symbol for the dekagram (10 grams; see entry below), an uncommon metric .....

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▲世上最奇特組合的6對情侶。(source : 今日頭條老田拉農村,下同)   大家好我是皮耶編,愛情是一種讓人難以捉摸的事情,古代人講求門當戶對,但在愛情的魔力下,也可能讓世俗眼光看來不合的兩人結合在一起。根據頭條號主老田拉農村報導,以下就來介紹5對不畏懼世俗眼光也要勇敢相愛的情侶。 ...
