
How can I delete all files/subdirs except for some files in DOS? - Stack Overflow

YOu can set the attributes of the files you want to keep to readonly and hidden first, delete the rest, and then reset the attributes of the hidden, readonly files back. attrib +r +s *.bat del *.* attrib -r -s *.bat I used to do that quite often, and wrot...

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朋友手拿一份報紙說讓我做一個小小的測驗,我欣然同意了。     問題一:如果你知道有一個女人懷孕了,她已經生了八個小孩,其中有三個耳朵聾、兩個眼睛瞎、一個智能不足,而這女人自己又有梅毒,請問,你會建議她墮胎嗎?   我剛要回答,朋友制止了我,又問我第二個問題。 &nbs...
