
Canon EOS 6D In-Depth Review: Digital Photography Review

I am going to tell you that I have shot weddings with a Canon 50D successfully. Is the 6D up to the task. I certainly think so. I recently upgraded to the Canon 6D and I can say it is quite worth the moderate expense to move forward with the Canon 6D. The...

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9月13日當天,台北信義區忽有兩道光束劃破天際,耀眼奪目更俾倪都會中的萬千霓虹,雙銳利流線身形乍然降臨台北文創大樓頂樓,搶眼讓人無法直視。背後傳出搖滾天王蕭敬騰的高亢嘶吼,與頂尖女DJ Crystal Q的迷幻電音,現場瀰漫一股搖滾與摩登氣息,The new CLA/CLA Shooting Br...
