
卓依婷 (Timi Zhuo) - 祝 寿 歌 (Prosperity Wishing Song) - YouTube

This was from the 2004 album "祝福2 (温情脉脉2)" (Luck Wish no. 2 or Inexpressible Tender Feelings). She was 23 years old. Since this was released in the same year as 蜕变5 温情脉脉2 (Transformation 5 : Inexpressible Tender Feelings), the last album in the series, th...

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一年又要過去,回首今年的種種好像有許多荒唐,政局也好工作也好愛情也好,歷經了風風雨雨,最後我們都該慶幸順利的過完這年。由oddstuff雜誌選出2012年最受網友歡迎的作品,當中有許多精彩的攝影,相信到目前為止您肯定記憶猶存,現在就讓我們一同回顧。 首圖這幅作品感動了不少美國網友:John和他的1...
