
Sheer Heart Attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sheer Heart Attack is the third album by British rock band Queen, released in November 1974. It was produced by the band and Roy Thomas Baker and distributed by EMI in the United Kingdom, and Elektra in the United States. The album launched Queen to mains...

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(圖片翻攝自 洪浩雲,下同) 台灣醫師洪浩雲和妻子搞笑模仿牽手去旅遊, 拍下一系列照片爆紅!! 網友紛紛要求他公開妻子正面照, 他耐不過請求公開了! 大家驚為天人! 搞笑留言: 「這種正妹配你太可惜了!」 醫生娘真的很有氣質又美麗呢! 本文引用自 洪浩雲 【看了這篇文章的人,也看了…...
