u100 osx

小筆電實驗室: 在OSX中設定U100的內建無線網卡如果U100是B/G卡(8187E),在OS X中下載並安裝這個程式:Realtek_RTL8187SE_MacOS10.5_Driver_073_UI_1.6.2.zip 如果U100是B/G/N卡(RT2700E),在OS X中下載並安裝底下的這個程式:STA_RT2860 D- UI-


小筆電實驗室: U100-把OSX裝在USB隨身碟8GB的隨身碟可能不夠空間,因為OSX的安裝要用到7.5G左右,有的8GB格式化後根本不夠用。我個人其實也沒外接光碟機,所以我是用我的IBM T60安裝的。在第一次完裝完成自動開機後,把隨身碟取出,再放入u100中繼續安裝後首次開機的設定。...


How to Reinstall Windows XP MSI Wind U100 | eHow 布拉格街頭的紅綠燈 柏林街頭的卡通紅綠燈 紐約市街頭拉法葉·休斯敦拐角的紅燈(rocker!!) 英國倫敦街頭專為馬匹設計的紅綠燈(馬看得懂?) 丹麥著名的世界​​級港口腓特烈西亞紅綠燈 西班牙藝術家Spy為馬德里設計的藝術紅綠燈 比利時布魯塞爾情人節專用紅綠燈(so sweet~~The MSI Wind U100 computer is a miniature laptop that ships with the Windows XP operating system. Reinstalling the XP Home edition to your Wind U100 computer is necessary when the files on the computer's hard drive have become corrupted through user error...


MSI Wind U100 Netbook WiFi replacement upgrade to Draft N Linux - YouTubeUpgraded the WiFi card in my MSI Wind U100 to an Atheros AR5B93 Draft N. I bought the card off Ebay for about $5. The Realtek card that was in it was not compatible with just about all Linux distributions. As seen in the video, this Atheros card is compat...
