the road movie

The Road (2009) - IMDb ---------------------------------------------靠北老婆原文:今天公公跟老公說了一句話:父母只有一對,老婆可以再娶。老公淡定的回:爸,您說的Directed by John Hillcoat. With Viggo Mortensen, Kodi Smit-McPhee, Robert Duvall, Guy Pearce. A father and his son walk alone through burned America. Nothing moves in the ravaged landscape save the ash on the wind and water. It is cold enough to crack sto...


Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior (1981) - IMDb就在台灣遭受霸王冷氣團襲擊的同時,更有一股來自北歐瑞典的強大風暴登陸台灣,那便是頂尖超跑品牌Koenigsegg在嘉鎷興業取得代理後,正式在台發表上市! Koenigsegg素有「全世界最速量產車」美名,是最引人熱血沸騰的名字。成立短短二十餘年,攻佔多項金氏世界紀錄,豎立許多難以超越的標竿。肇於極為Directed by George Miller. With Mel Gibson, Bruce Spence, Michael Preston, Max Phipps. In the post-apocalyptic Australian wasteland, a cynical drifter agrees to help a small, gasoline rich, community escape a band of bandits....


Mad Max - The Road Warrior - Fury Road Dcard 原文: 我是妳的人原po大學這群兄弟有10個人,在大學能找到這麼多人當死黨是一件很幸福的事我們平常吃飯、選課、打球都混在一起。當然,交女朋友我們也說好一定要介紹給兄弟知道,被抓到就私刑伺候好,介紹到此,開始正文有一天中餐,我們所有人照常要去吃飯,突然A君說要帶他閃光來跟我們吃Everything you ever needed to know about the Mad Max movies....


The Road Movie - 影片搜尋isCar! 長久以來,一直為東瀛戰神Nissan GT-R所壟斷的「GT-R」三字,這次可說是出現一個強勁的對手了。那就是由Mercedes-AMG GT車系所推出的第三款性能車型:「GT R」。是的,您沒看錯,就是同名同姓的「GT R」。看在Nissan眼裡,是否總會覺得德國人這下有撈過界的嫌疑...


Where The Rubber Hits The RoadisCar! GLC Coupe乃是M-Benz繼GLE Coupe之後,第二款揉入Coupe流線造型的混種休旅,主要的同級對手為同是「德系」的BMW X4(首圖為2015年發表的GLC Coupe Concept)。 在SUV銷售狂潮只增不減的情況下,M-Benz和BMW這兩間豪華大廠皆以「跨界、(by Stamping School Linda) ... I roll out of bed this am to find a whole lotta promotions going on! I had told you about the Big Shot bundles coming but there’s more!...


Wile E. Coyote and The Road Runner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ----------------------------------------------------------靠北老婆原文: 老婆靠北說她是假性單親媽媽覺得有老公跟沒老公一樣因Wile E. Coyote (also known simply as "The Coyote") and The Road Runner are a duo of characters from the Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies series of cartoons. In the cartoons, Coyote repeatedly attempts to catch and subsequently eat the Road Runner, a fast-...
