take as one's own

How Almost Anyone Can Take You Off Facebook (And Lock You Out) - BuzzFeed News恩...???好像有點怪怪的... Tech How Almost Anyone Can Take You Off Facebook (And Lock You Out) Getting your buddy’s Facebook account turned into a “Memorial” state is surprisingly easy — and locks them out of Facebook. Warning: this will seriously mess up someone’s account....


Papertake Weekly Challenge  無名正妹U Shi小性感自拍 http://www.wretch.cc/album/mai0118                 &nHi peeps and hope you are all OK and that if you are in the UK, you enjoyed the Bank Holiday. A huge thank you to everybody who joined in last week. Your ‘heart’ cards and projects were gorgeous : ) So who is our winner? Woohooo Helene this week it’s you ...


Hillary Clinton Walks Tightrope as Pressure Grows to Take Stance on Trade Deal - NYTimes.com 暱稱:     ♥欣欣♥  性別:     女  生日:     8月/18日 獅子座  血型:     O  Who Is Running for President (and Who’s Not)? From the other side came this: “This is one you can’t waffle. You’re either for the T.P.P. or against it,” Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, who is seeking the Democratic nomination and opposes the deal, told...
