
SCP-182 - SCP Foundation 羽編用的手機是三星的 今天因為要借朋友插sim卡, 所以想把它拔出來!之前學過蘋果手機只要往內一壓就會彈出, 於是羽編也壓了一下 但它完全沒反應呀…>Item #: SCP-182 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-182 is to be kept in a small environmentally-sealed structure on an otherwise-uninhabited island situated 10km off the coast of Greenland. A team of five (5) guards are to be assigne...


SCP Series - SCP Foundation撰文:蘇棋文 繼去年在Lamborghini義大利總部首度發表的全新Huracan GT3相比,今年正式報到為了投入FIA GT3賽事的新戰將,外觀空力套件上有著極大的改變,從前保桿、側裙都做了修改,而最大的改變就是那碳纖維製成的後下擾流器,目前車輛售價高達369000歐元,是否會有買家直接購入投向Content Archives Joke SCPs - Some of the best articles on the site are clever and funny. Make sure yours is before you add it. Archived SCPs - SCPs preserved due to their use in a Foundation Tale or because of staff purview. SCP-EX - These are SCPs which ...


SCP-682 - SCP Foundation撰文:彭郁儒 Renault於日前推出新一代Kadjar跨界車型,外觀方面,Kadjar採家族最新設計元素,在與廠徽搭配下水箱護罩有著獨特具有前衛的造型,搭配LED日行燈更散發出科技且具有侵略性的神韻,車側豐富的線條勾勒出粗獷的身形姿態,與車側與車頭相較,車尾造型便顯得簡單,但仍有著質感與動態感受。Addendum 682-E: Termination Options: Log of event 682-E18: Dr. attempts to use SCP-409 on SCP-682. General , General , and Dr. observing. 0400: Exposure. SCP-682 began to tear at the point of contact, causing massive trauma to the ......


SCP - Containment Breach v1.2.3 (182 MB) 全新第三代Audi TT就是ABT Sportsline壓軸亮相的主角,早在Essen Motor Show之前就曾預告會有全新作品登場,Audi TT從第一代開始就以車頂圓弧造型奠定TT外貌的經典,ABT Sportsline執行長Hans-Jurgen Abt在車展首演發表說:TT純粹的設計元DOWNLOAD SCP - Containment Breach v1.2.3 (182 MB) MIRROR 1 ( SCP - Containment Breach v1.2.3 patch for v1.2 and above (1.15 MB) MIRROR 1 ( Changelist.txt...


Serie SCP I - La Fundación SCP 福特汽車正式發表全新All-New Focus RS競技鋼砲,搭載首次曝光的AWD with Dynamic Torque Vectoring Control四驅傳動結合動態扭力分配系統,配置2.3L EcoBoost渦輪增壓引擎,盡情宣洩高達315匹狂暴馬力。新世代All New Focus RArchivos SCPs Humorísticos - Algunos de los mejores artículos de la página son inteligentes y divertidos. SCPs Archivados - SCPs preservados debido a su uso en una Historia de la Fundación o a su interés general decidido por los Staff de la versión ingles...
