perl substr

substr - perldoc.perl.org實習護士的氧氣 小芳是一個不太通台語的實習護士,在一次的實習機會裡,她親切地對只會說台語的阿媽說: 「阿媽!我是乎你死(護理系)的護士﹐我的老師叫我來乎你勇氣(氧氣)﹐乎你死死ㄟ(吸一吸)!」只見阿媽面露懼色, 渾身發抖﹐搖頭直囔:「麥啦,麥啦!」 小芳見阿媽發抖﹐快解釋說: 「阿媽, 我知影你眞艱substr EXPR,OFFSET,LENGTH,REPLACEMENT substr EXPR,OFFSET,LENGTH substr EXPR,OFFSET Extracts a substring out of EXPR and returns it. First character is at offset zero. If OFFSET is negative, starts that far back from the end of the string. If ......


Perl substr Function 看到朋友轉貼的,我本來還在想說,這麼無聊的影片怎會有那麼多人看,後來才發現左邊那位女生真是非同小可啊ㄎㄎ 只是後面那位抬起頭來的時候怎麼有點像貞子咧XDDPerl substr Function - Learning Perl in simple and easy steps - A beginner's tutorial containing complete knowledge of Perl Syntax Syntax, Classes, Variables, Comments, Loops, File, I/O, Functions, Objects, arrays, strings, methods, blocks, Exception, Has...


Using the Perl substr() function - Welcome to perlmeme.org父:寶貝來,吃飯囉!孩:喔!爸爸我問你,什麼事會讓上面的人愉快,下面的人高興父:小孩子怎麼問這種問題,這個……唉呀!以後你結婚就懂了!孩:有這麼難回答嗎?答案就是演唱會啊!父:演唱會?孩:對啊!上面的人很開心,下面的人很高興父:亂七八糟!孩:那我再問你,進浴室洗澡時,要先How to use the Perl substr function ... Using the Perl substr() function Introduction The substr() function is used to return a substring from the expression supplied as its first argument....


Perl tutorial: Split - School of Computing - Faculty of Engineering - University of Leeds加拿大女孩新學期以“男兒身”回校園   據英國《每日郵報》9月3日報導,加拿大11歲的雷恩本是一名女孩,然而在新的學期開始後,她將以一名男生的身份來生活和學習,使用男生的更衣室和廁所,原因是雷恩認為自己天生就應該是一名男孩。在很小的時候,雷恩就意識到自己的不同。 他A very useful function in Perl is split, which splits up a string and places it into an array. The function uses a regular expression and as usual works on the $_ variable unless otherwise specified. The split function is used like this: $info = "Caine:Mi...


Perl CSV file column extraction | Perl CSV files and columns |  關心大馬齡薯,從被莎夏吃掉開始  The substr() function As you can see from this code fragment, the substr function is an important part of the solution. The substr function lets you extract fields of information from strings. All you have to do is define three items: The name of the stri...
