nih public access期刊

Pub Med Central某局長和某村長喝醉後互相吹噓泡妞經歷, 局長說:「我泡的都是城裡女人,有身材,有臉蛋,都是絕色美女,什麼招都精通……」 村長說:「我泡的都是鄉野村姑,無公害、無污染,都是綠色食品,什麼病都沒有!」由於此網站的設置,我們無法提供該頁面的具體描述。...


Environmental Health Perspectives一屋子無聊男子比賽自我吹噓誰長得最帥, 第1個喜形於色地說:我是全市帥哥冠軍! 第2個不甘示弱地說:我是全國帥哥冠軍! 第3個胸有成竹地說:我是世界上長得最帥的! 第4個嗤之以鼻地說:我是宇宙中長得最帥的! 最後一個「畏畏縮縮」地說:我怎能跟各位相比?我想我只能是這小小屋中…&hellA peer-reviewed open access journal published by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences ... July 2015 | Volume 123 | Issue 7 On the Cover Although food packaging serves important safety functions, these painstakingly engineered containers...


PubMed - Official Site幾個男子合資要開一家公司,為了彰顯公司的霸氣,特取名「能力」! 「嗯!『能力公司』聽著多霸氣啊!」 於是大家興高采烈地去申請並拿回營業執照 拿回來後大家幾個都傻眼了 只見執照上大大地寫著… …..『能力有限公司』PubMed comprises more than 23 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites....

全文閱讀 | Science, health and medical journals, full text articles and books. 員工:老闆我要加薪,不然我就辭職。 老闆:有話好好說,你看我們倆都退一步行不行? 員工:怎麼退? 老闆:我不給你加薪,你也別走。 ScienceDirect is the world's leading source for scientific, technical, and medical research. Explore journals, books and articles. ... Articles published in our Open Access journals are made permanently free for everyone to access ......


Glycobiology - Official Site 在郵局大廳內,一位老太太走到一個中年人跟前,客氣地說:「先生,請幫我在明信片上寫上地址好嗎?」 「當然可以。」中年人按老人的要求做了。 老太太又說:「再幫我寫上一小段話,好嗎?謝謝!」 「好吧。」中年人照老太太的話寫好後,微笑著問道:「還有什麼要幫忙的嗎?」 「嗯,還有一件小事。」老太太看著明信片Advance Access Browse the Archive Established as the leading journal in the field, Glycobiology provides a unique forum dedicated to research into the biological functions of glycans, including glycoproteins, glycolipids, proteoglycans and free ......


Nature - Official Site  顧客:老闆,這盤烤鴨怎麼少一條腿? 經理:哦,這鴨出了車禍,被壓斷了一條腿。 顧客:那麻煩你換一隻沒有出車禍的來吧! 經理:你也太沒有愛心了吧!不關愛殘疾人士也就罷了,怎麼能夠歧視它們呢? Catalogue of journals and science resources, including the journal Nature. Publishes science news and articles across a wide range of scientific fields....
