nex f2 8

Sony SEL16F28 E 16mm F2.8 鏡頭規格、價錢及介紹文章 - DCFever.com主人,我不是故意的,真的不是故意的,騙你是小貓.... Sony SEL16F28 E 16mm F2.8, 超廣角及廣角定焦鏡頭, 直徑 x 鏡長:62 x 22.5 mm, 重量:67 克 ... Sony SEL20F28 E 20mm F2.8 超廣角及廣角定焦鏡頭.49 mm 濾鏡.69 克 Sony E 35mm F1.8 OSS / SEL35F18 標準至中距定焦鏡頭.49 mm 濾鏡...


EXCLUSIVE: Hands on Review- Rokinon 8mm f2.8 Fisheye (Sony NEX) - The Phoblographer 嘿嘿~等我一下我的表演特技即將登場! 我很厲害吧!After the company announced their new lens on Facebook, Rokinon let me try their brand new 8mm f2.8 fisheye lens for Sony NEX cameras. Since Sony sent me the 5n to review, I decided to also give this brand new piece of glass a quick run. This is a hands-o...


nex-tips | Sigma 30mm F2.8 EX DN for SONY NEX review這樣的衣服就是最好的詮釋!整個場面都hold住了,有沒有?There is no hood provided to avoid flare. But for the SONY NEX I prefer a lens very resistant to flare and not needing a hood that would change the compactness. The SIGMA 30mm F2.8 is very resistant to flare or sunspots. I never noticed any flare issues t...


Sony SEL20F28 E 20mm F2.8 鏡頭規格、價錢及介紹文章 - DCFever.com據說這是目前最牛的背包客。。。kelvinhlfu 這支鏡頭的定位主要是一些追求外型和便攜的客群,一般抓拍和家庭合照都應... 23 waiwai7654 見呢支新餅口碑唔錯,一於試下,黑色鏡身同我部NEX-6都幾襯,玩無反點都... 21 m26e32004 主要感想全部寫哂係上面, 如果要型, 要輕, 要方便, 又 ......


Sony NEX-7 with Contax G 28mm F2.8 Lens Review | Photohead Online國外公交站台強化玻璃廣告,打破它可以得到三百萬。我覺得放到中國肯定輕鬆被搞定了Sony NEX-7 with Contax G 28mm F2.8 Lens Review. Please visit for the full reivew. ... As you can see in the results image, the Contax 28mm F2.8 suffers from a color shift around the edges of the frame. This phenomenon can be fixed ...


Sony單眼相機 - NEX 專用 SEL 50MM F1.8 OSS 簡單分享~ - 相機討論區 - Mobile01爺爺、奶奶、姥姥、姥爺四個人都是同一天生日。。。官網資訊:‧E 50mm F1.8 OSS (E接環專屬鏡頭) ‧擁有 F1.8 的大光圈,可以輕... ... VIVID -1 -1 +3 下次來試試 你家女王皮膚也太好了吧 我有個疑問 請問女王是不是本人就蠻白皙的 粉紅衣小女孩是不是本人算是黑肉底的...
