my heart will go on 吉他譜

鐵達尼號主題曲- my heart will go on 吉他簡譜 - 【和弦簡譜】 - 外語歌譜 - 小新吉他館-自學木吉他、電吉他、烏 ...     不講話會被說服務不夠好,這下很為難了!XD小新吉他館-自學木吉他、電吉他、烏克麗麗、貝斯、木箱鼓、電子琴、採譜 教學網站 G \; w) E* h& a2 w" yevery night in my dreams$ C! A C, t* h' a; A C D' t: H$ ... - Discuz! Board...


鐵達尼主題曲-My heart will go on @ ☆樂譜王國★ :: 隨意窩 Xuite日誌 除了半夜以外的時間,我都覺得好累.....XD鐵達尼主題曲-My heart will go on 4‧4 4 4 3 4- Every night in my dreams4 3 4- 5 6 – 5 -I see you, I feel you4‧4 4 4 3 4– 4 1---1---That is how I know you go on4‧4 4 4 3 4– Far across the distance4 3 4– 5 6 – 5 -And spaces between us4‧4 4 4 3 4- 4 1---1---You hav...


My Heart Will Go On Chords by Celine Dion @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com   我沒看錯吧?是鯊魚..!(揉眼睛)My Heart Will Go On Chords by Celine Dion with chord diagrams, easy version and transpose. Added on October 31, 2001 ... WARNING: You are trying to view content from in an unauthorized ......


My Heart Will Go On Guitar Tab - Celine Dion - Titanic  這..我看也只有你敢喝XDMy Heart Will Go On Guitar Tab sung by Celine Dion from the hollywood movie Titanic guitar tab, titanic guitar theme ... The end of the song sounds not good, instead of the last 7, place a 5. And the flute part, should be removed, cause it´s a GUITAR song...
