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Aldora Muses - A Beauty & Lifestyle BlogA candid Singaporean Beauty & Lifestyle blogger with a fetish for everything beautiful. Experiences are meant to be shared with everybody :) ... {Advertorial} Affordable Eyeglasses from Firmoo Online Optical Store Have you tried getting your eyeglasses on...


MUSES : Greek Goddesses of Music, Poetry & the Arts | Mythology, Mousai, w/ pictures小弟弟說他手指痛要我幫他擦藥,沒想到我邪惡了...   都給我看清楚了!這只是一根手指啦! 想歪的快去面壁!!!BIRTH, PARENTAGE & NAMES OF THE MUSES Homer, Iliad 2. 597 ff (trans. Lattimore) (Greek epic C8th B.C.) : "The Mousai (Muses), daughters of Zeus who holds the aigis." Homer, Odyssey 8. 457 ff (trans. Shewring) (Greek epic C8th B.C.) : "The Mousa ......
