mix up

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Mix-up dictionary definition | mix-up defined有點可怕喔...膽小慎入!!! 其實...這好像也反映了時下對於美醜的潛意識影響... 外表不是最重要的啊!!!! viamix-up definition: The definition of a mix-up is a misunderstanding or confusion. (noun) An example of mix-up is someone going to a house on First Avenue, when they were supposed to go to First Drive.......


mix-up - definition of mix-up by The Free Dictionary你的女朋友會這樣嗎? viamix-up also mix·up (mĭks′ŭp′) n. 1. A state or an instance of confusion; a muddle: a bureaucratic mix-up. 2. Informal A fight or melee. mix-up n 1. a confused condition or situation 2. a fight vb (tr, adverb) 3. to make into a mixture: to mix up ingredien...


Mix up | Define Mix up at Dictionary.com 請好好排隊好嗎...? viaSanskrit misrah "mixed," Greek misgein, mignynai "to mix, mix up, mingle; to join, bring together; join (battle); make acquainted with," Old Church Slavonic mešo, mesiti "to mix," Russian meshat, Lithuanian maišau "to mix, mingle," Welsh mysgu miscian ......


Mix-up | Define Mix-up at Dictionary.comby Sandra   藝人汪東城近來升格當製作人,身兼演員和節目製作的他事業滿檔,但繁忙之餘仍然不忘cosplay,時常在微博分享自己的「美照」,連換數十套造型也樂此不疲,對「角色扮演」十分熱衷!   汪東城人才剛回國就放上「美國隊長」照,還戴上藍色變色片&helliMix-up definition, a confused state of things; muddle; tangle. See more. Thesaurus Translator Reference Word of the Day Blog Slideshows Apps by Dictionary My Account ......


Mix-up - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary 如果新一和柯南可 ​​以同時存在。。。哈哈,新一和柯南的一天,好有愛啊!!突然感覺原來柯南也這麼萌的~ 早上起床萌萌噠~咦~床頭放基德玩偶是幾個意思啊?~ “新一哥哥起床啦!!” “快起床!上學要遲到啦~” “柯南,幾點啦?”Full Definition of MIX-UP 1: a state or instance of confusion 2: mixture 3: conflict, fight See mix–up defined for English-language learners » See mix-up defined for kids » From celebutante to chortle: 10 fun mashup words » First Known Use of MIX-UP 1841 ...
