long position

何謂多頭部位(long position)和空頭部位? - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 這才叫臉書好嗎? 快來跟我一起玩吧!如題看過某文章說:將某些股票讓渡至"多頭"部位,其它讓渡至"空頭"部位...請問何謂多頭部位(long position)和空頭部位(short position)和避險部位(hedge position)?上段話表示的意義為何?另外...什麼是淨投資額(net investment)....???謝謝~~...


Long (or Long Position) Definition | Investopedia 能夠睡到翻白眼又吐舌頭的小狗沒幾隻, 但是我真的很想知道牠到底做了甚麼夢可以夢成這樣!1. The buying of a security such as a stock, commodity or currency, with the expectation that the asset will rise in value. 2. In the context of options, the buying of an options contract. Opposite of "short" (or short position). 1. The buying of a securi...


Long (finance) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 嘿哈!瞧我身材多輕盈! 叔叔有練過,小朋友不要輕易嘗試噢!In finance, a long position in a security, such as a stock or a bond, or equivalently to be long in a security, means the holder of the position owns the security and will profit if the price of the security goes up. Going long is the more conventional pr...


USD Long Position Continues to Grow 噢NO!昨天吃太多的墨西哥菜了 今天起床就變成這樣...親愛的,你還愛我嗎?The USD long position continues to grow. It is now up tp 286.4K from the previous week's 276.4, and the biggest USD long since September 10th of 2013. The largest USD long is against the yen, but it was reduced to 155K down from 172.9K in the prior week....


何謂多頭部位(long position)和空頭部位? @ 香醇咖啡 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: 當儀隊的不可以亂動,鼻子癢的時候只能扭曲臉部當抓癢啦!何謂多頭部位(long position)和空頭部位? 多頭與空頭避險 Long Hedge & Short Hedge 由於面臨的多頭、空頭風險不同,而採取不同方向的避險部位。價格風險有兩種,一種是價格上漲的風險,一種是價格下跌的風險。對於現貨需求者而言,所承擔的是商品價格 ......
