lancer evo x fq 400

2010 Mitsubishi Lancer EVO X FQ-400 | car review @ Top SpeedDo you remember the Mitsubishi Evolution FQ 330 that we showed you last week, well that was nothing compared to this, the FQ 400. Whereas the 330 HP version seemed to be nothing more than an EVO MR with a reflashed ECU, the FQ 400 is a whole different ani...


最大馬力上看400匹,Lancer Evolution X FQ-400英國開賣-U-CAR車壇新聞 臲卼 = ㄋㄧㄝˋ ㄨˋ「虒」亭 = ㄙ鸑鷟 = ㄩㄝˋ ㄓㄨㄛˊ 髽鬏 = ㄓㄨㄚ ㄐㄧㄡ娭毑 = ㄒㄧ ㄗㄨㄛˇ 「蕌」頭 = ㄌㄟˇ「檵」木 = ㄐㄧˋ「鼙」叟 = ㄆㄧˊ論起Mitsubishi旗下最著名的性能車款,相信許多車迷毫無疑問地會說是Lancer Evolution。WRC史上豐碩的戰果,讓Lancer Evolution車系樹立起性能威名;而最新一代Lancer Evolution X,更以精進的配備提升其性能戰力。不過最新登場的Lancer Evolution X FQ-400 ......


2009 Mitsubishi Lancer EVO X FQ-400 - Images, Specifications and Information這孩子太有才了 應該要好好栽培的,你說是吧?   2009 Mitsubishi Lancer EVO X FQ-400: 5-shot gallery, full history and specifications ... Page 1 of 1 The Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X FQ-400 is the fastest and most extreme version of Mitsubishi's motorsport derived machine....


MITSUBISHI Lancer Evo.X FQ-400英國開賣 ~ 史上最強市售Evo... - 5230 的30剪貼簿 - udn部落格你還相信美美的廣告圖嗎? 這就理想跟現實的差距!(淚奔~)   史上最強市售Evo.,MITSUBISHI Lancer Evo.X FQ-400英國開賣 AUTONET記者:蔡致堅(05/27/2009) 已經擁有300hp實力的Evo.X,可算是歷代中最強者,......


Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X FQ-400 - AskMen - AskMen - Men's Online Magazine - AskMen每天欺負我  每天騎我 不要跟你們好了! There are few things as trouser-tightening to a petrolhead (a moist Megan Fox withstanding) than the prospect of spending some summer seat time with the most extreme Mitsubishi Evo X this side of the afterlife. The Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X FQ-400’s 403 bhp...
