isset _post

php - if isset $_POST - Stack Overflow親愛的老婆大人 遵照您的旨意,我在書房裡反省了一個小時四十三分零七秒,喝了一杯白開水,上了一次衛生間,沒有抽煙,以上事實準確無誤,請審查。  附上我的檢討報告,不當之處可以協商。  經過3個月的婚姻生活,我認為老婆同志溫柔賢良,勤奮聰穎,是不可多得的好妻子,而身為丈夫的我卻舉止乖Change it to this: if (isset($_POST["mail"]) && !empty($_POST["mail"])) { echo "Yes, mail is set"; }else{ echo "N0, mail is not set"; } So $_POST is always set, but its content might be empty. Since !empty() already checks whether the value is set, you ca...


PHP: isset - Manual - PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor史上最壞跟最笨的駭客! 我稍微粗略翻譯了全文對話~ 真的是太好笑了!~~ 翻譯中好幾次都笑到沒法打字~~~翻譯如下~ 如有不順之處~ 還望各位網友海涵~~~人物:: 判斷應為 IRC 交談室 #stopHipHop 的 Builder: 號稱"厲害"的"駭客": 插花者PS: (中場說明)Determine if a variable is set and is not NULL. If a variable has been unset with unset(), it will no longer be set. isset() will return FALSE if testing a variable that has been set to NULL. Also note that a null character ("\0") is not equivalent to...


PHP: $_POST - Manual - PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor我的妻子是一位小學老師,帶小學三年級的思想品德課。這天她給某班的同學出了一道題:「沒人的時候你做過什麼壞事」,並且表示,寫的最好的最真實的將得到一枝鋼筆的獎勵!卷子收上來以後,妻得到了好多答案,下面我摘幾條,供大家欣賞。「我在XXX家的牆上,寫過XXX王八蛋,因為他罵過我。」「我在我們家的樓下扎過XMake sure your submit buttons (ie. etc) have a 'value' attribute. If they don't, the value won't appear in $_POST and so isset($_POST["submit"]) won't work either. Example: isset($_POST["submit ......


if isset not set - php - Stack Overflow有一個印度故事,是講一顆糖果去天堂見上帝,它跟上帝抱怨說:「親愛的上帝,我那麼甜、那麼好,不但遵守戒律,又一直都在打坐。」是啊!糖果一向都「坐」在桌上,無所事事。它說它從不曾傷害過任何人。「不過每個人一靠近我,就想把我吃掉,連螞蟻、蒼蠅也不例外,為什麼?我犯了什麼錯?難道因果法律已經蕩然無存了嗎?」if(isset($_POST['text1']) && isset($_POST['text2'])) { echo "xxxxxx"; echo "yyyyyyyyyy"; } else { ?> When isset is not set I want ......


$_GET, $_POST and $_REQUEST Variables - Courses Web PHP-MySQL JavaScript Ajax HTML CSS Flash-AS3男人必看!勇救落水美女注意事項:1、先確認落水美女的真實性——不是正在游泳和洗澡的美眉,更不是河裏的鱷魚或水牛。 2、跳水時姿勢不要追求「帥」,而使用高難度的動作,如107B、207C等,否則會因為不熟悉水的深度而扎入泥中。 3、入水前為了減重可以脫掉一些The "script.php" file can use the $_POST variable /array to collect form data (the names of the form fields are the keys in the $_POST array). PHP $_REQUEST...


Always Get A Checkbox $_POST Value - Paulund | Tutorials & Snippets夠絕情的兩封信~~親愛的丈夫: 經過我詳細的考慮, 我認為我都是離開你比較好. 我們一起己經七年了, 七年來我自問盡力做一個好太太. 昨日我剛剛收到你公司的來電, 得知你己離職的消息. 老實說, 我對你的將來有一點擔憂. 上星期, 我去剪了一個新髮型, 煮了一The problem with checkboxes is that if they are not checked then they are not posted with your form. If you check a checkbox and post a form you will get the value of the checkbox in the $_POST variable which you can use to process a form, if it's uncheck...
