if reach

reach - definition of reach by The Free Dictionary「獨在異鄉是單身,每逢佳節被催婚。」 年關將至,各位寶寶們有對像了嗎? ▼女友出租 (source:3dmgame) ▼過年對於單身族們來說,回家團聚真是喜憂參半。想想家人們即將發出的一張張「催婚令」,單身族們表示「壓力有點大」,七大姑八大姨的逼婚模式已漸漸開啟! (source:重庆晨报)本文下圖reach (rēch) v. reached, reach·ing, reach·es v.tr. 1. To stretch out or put forth (a body part); extend: reached out an arm. 2. To touch or grasp by stretching out or extending: can't reach the shelf. 3. To arrive at; attain: reached their destination; re...


Halo: Reach - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia▲怎麼會掉到這個...(source:爆料公社) 日前一名漁民網友自拍了一段影片po上網,影片中這名漁民狀態看起來非常興奮!她高興得直說:「擺了三天三夜...!竟然被我抓到了!」接下來他彎下腰來拿出他的戰利品,竟然是一條大尾鱸鰻! ▲超大一條! ▲還超軟Q! 原來所謂釣到黑道大哥就是釣到「大尾鱸鰻」Halo: Reach is a 2010 first-person shooter video game developed by Bungie and published by Microsoft Game Studios for the Xbox 360 console. Reach was released in North America, Australia, and Europe on September 14, 2010. The game takes place in the year ...


Natural Remedies: 3 Tips to Restart Breast Growth If You Reach a Plateau ▲近年來臉書的PO文讓人越看越傻眼,有屁孩自殘還要發臉書打卡。(source:thoughtcatalog,下同)   這世界上有各式各樣的人,每天都發生各種光怪陸離的事情,以前我們沒有網路所以無從得知這些事情,直到有了facebook後開始擁有知道許多消息的管道,然而有些私事是需要給別Anonymous said... I am taking a break after 5 months. I feel like all I have done has gone to waste. However I am ambitous to start over after reading your article about reaching a plateau... I was taking fenugreek. What herb should I use now? I also had ...


Women helping women reach for the stars | P.E.O. International ▲超正女警平常出遊的照片非常火辣。(source:批踢踢,下同)   大家對於女生的警察都是什麼印象呢,可能會有很多人都會以為警察界沒有正妹,但是這位女警的長相將會顛覆大家的認知! 有名男網友就在批踢踢的表特版PO文:「未來的警察」,並指出這名女生「好像是今年考上警特剛要去受訓的女生。」If you experience trouble viewing this site, please try a different browser. Click here for some quick tips on how to navigate the redesigned P.E.O. website....


xkcd What If - Official Site 之前小編有發佈過一篇不是男人都愛巨乳的文,我們才發現對男人誤會大了,不一定每個男人都愛巨乳,既然這樣,貧乳也是有人會喜歡的囉!日本《2ch》論壇在近來發佈一則貼文〈貧乳女的末路〉,就先發一張購物網站的性感挖乳照 ▲網路上性感挖乳裝(sourse:pockettokyo)讓人看了實在很興奮阿,但是要Prev Stairs If you made an elevator that would go to space (like the one you mentioned in the billion-story building) and built a staircase up (assuming regulated air pressure) about how long would it take to climb to the top? —Ethan Annas A week or two, ...


ReachOut.com - Official Site 在18歲這個青澀的年紀,雨蕎有著跟年齡相仿的稚氣和單純。但不同的是,在學生時期就接觸網拍的雨蕎,非常期待未來能擁有一間屬於自己的店。看著蜜糖女孩談著自己的夢想,讓人不由自主的都想幫她一把了呢! (以下桃紅色文字為劉雨蕎的回答) 【圖/劉雨蕎授權】 【文/Koobii高校誌】 ♣姓名:劉雨蕎 ♣綽號Join the Conversation... Tough times Something's not right If something's not right, this is a place where you can learn from others and focus on making it better. Beating the winter blues User tips on sure-fire ways to combat the winter blues. Getting he...
