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Expatriate Americans Break Up With Uncle Sam to Escape Tax Rules - WSJ某男入廁便秘,忽見一人飛奔而入,頃刻風雨交加。「哥們兒,真羨慕你呀,那麼快。」 「羨慕啥,沒脫褲子呢。」"The increase is due to current and future changes in tax law and enforcement," said Freddi Weintraub, a New York attorney at the Fragomen firm who specializes in immigration law. She said in recent years she has seen a threefold increase in expatriation ...


Permanent residence (United States) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia有位大嫂在公共汽車上看到一位即將下車的男人掉了包煙在踏板上,於是趕緊對那男人說:「同志,你煙掉了!」 男人大怒:你才閹掉了! Green card holders married to non-U.S. citizens are able to legally bring their spouses and minor children to join them in the USA, but must wait for their priority date to become current. The foreign spouse of a green card holder must wait for approval o...


Green Bay - News護士看到病人在病房喝酒,就走過去小聲叮囑說:「小心肝!」 病人微笑道:「小寶貝。」News Greater Green Bay Habitat for Humanity 5K Run Greater Green Bay Habitat for Humanity 5K Run Greater Green Bay Habitat for Humanity's Young Professionals Home Run 5K runners slog through the rain to help raise money for future home building projects ....


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