girly mama

Girlymama | a mommy blog in Philadelphia 只要你掌握了在網絡上將東西變得火爆走紅這個魔法,網路就可以為你帶來精彩美妙,這就是現代的神話故事。比如說大學畢業生Joseph Garrett,他只是把自己玩遊戲的過程拍成影片然後上傳到Youtube上就發財了。他因此也成為了網路熱門人物,正在通往百萬富翁的大道上奔跑。   JosephA mommy blog about fashion, family and travel with a side of the craziness kids bring that you can't even make up. Tons of fashion advice for moms, great family recipes and advice of balancing motherhood and a career....


Sweet Leigh Mama - Atlanta Mommy Blog: My Favorite FREE Girly Fonts PLUS How to Download Fonts and I  第一眼看到上面這張照片,相信大多數人看到的是一隻棲息在樹枝上的鸚鵡——彎彎的喙,五彩繽紛的羽毛和尖尖的尾巴。 但事實上,這卻是一個女人,一個全身通過彩繪被偽裝成一隻鸚鵡的女人。   這個超牛逼的作品來自Johannes Stoetter,他曾是世界人體Sweet Leigh Mama, sweetleighmama, Erica Billups, Atlanta mommy blogger, GA mommy blogger, GA blogger, top mommy blog, top mommy blogger, most popular mommy blog, Atlanta mommy blog, parenting blog, family blog, mixed race family ......


Kim Kardashian Reveals North West Is a Total 'Girly Girl' | Celebuzz不知道你們有沒有聽過,出門在外吃飯,千萬不要招惹服務生,因為你不會知道送上來的菜有沒有被加料,今天要告訴你們,還有一種人不要惹~那就是『室友』。WHY?看下去就知道了!   ▼我都在我煩人室友的枕頭上放屁   ▼「嗨室友,我在你的蛋白素裡尿尿,因為你每天都惹我生氣」 ▼我室友從不As expected, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West’s daughter North is a total baby fashionista. At 22-months-old, she (like every girl) knows what she loves: shoes. With a papa as a rapper and fashion designer, and a mama who walks amidst the fashion industry’s ...


Pugmamastace – Avid Runner, Aspiring Triathlete, Pug Mom, Girly Girl網友向FB申訴:你的程式好爛唷!為啥最近我好友大頭照都沒顯示?照片都全黑?   也有... 最後... Avid Runner, Aspiring Triathlete, Pug Mom, Girly Girl ... I started back at work last Monday, and it is going really well so far! I am SO grateful to have the job I have, and to work for a company that has taken such great care of me while I’ve been out o...


Girly Bruiser - TV Tropes日本廉價航空公司SKY宣布將從5月開始讓空姐穿上天藍色新制服登機。但是由於新制度是一套超級迷你裙,讓不少人為此感到不安,認為乘客的視線會過多注意空姐的美腿,有可能引發性騷擾事件,影響客機安全的問題。   對這一套制服提出批評的不僅有年長的女性,還有日本空姐行業協會。日本客室乘務員聯絡會發表The Girly Bruiser trope as used in popular culture. The majority of Action Girls out there are all fairly physically attractive and feminine in their own … ... Jill Trent Science Sleuth is thin and attractive, wears skirts, hats, and heels like other styl...


Girly-Girl Camping Guide    AV女優是日本一個很大的經濟支柱,早期的AV女優是因為經濟因素去做的,而現在卻不一定,而且一旦一當AV女優,之後想要離開可不是一件容易的事,對此,東北網根據日本Livedoor新聞網刊文講述的AV女優們的現實處境,以及對AV行業的看法做了以下整理。 在這個數字化的時代,選How to get your girly-girl friends out of a 5 star hotel and into the great outdoors. Girly-girl camping tips by The Campy Mom. ... Girly-Girls will pee in the outdoors if it beats peeing their pants. I’ve known girly-girl geologist and archaeologists. Pe...
