
-簡單的小幸福-: 很厲害的F1滅火器 - yam天空部落有一個人去逛街,看到某個地攤賣得都是polo的衣服,他看一看覺得還不錯,就問老闆:「這是真的還是假的。」老闆:「當然是真的。」那人在衣服堆中翻半天,發現一件衣服上的mark是把球棍舉起的,他就問老闆,老闆回說:「那是隊長啦!是我特地去工廠找的耶!一百件中才有一件喔!」筱雅是一個人見人愛的國小一年級學這個滅火器聽說很厲害上星期公司安排了消防的課程我們部門我代表參加一開始昏昏欲睡直到上課的教官拿出這無敵的滅火器出來大家精神都來了把這個滅火器說的跟神一樣(比利時專利生產台灣有代理)說什麼是F1賽......


1995 Formula One season - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia中年夫婦談起兩個兒子長得真快,幼年情景歷歷在目。然後他們聽到浴室裏的幼子沖完了淋浴,傳來洗臉盆的流水聲。妻子說:“你聽,還在玩水呢,就像小時候一樣,到底還是小孩子。”兒子步出浴室時,他父親問:“你剛才在玩水吧?”“不,”他答:&The 1995 Formula One season was the 46th season of FIA Formula One motor racing. It featured the 1995 FIA Formula One World Championship, which was contested over 17 races from 26 March to 12 November 1995. For the second year in succession, the Drivers' ...


Formula 1® - The Official F1® Website - Safety - Cockpit Safety有一天老師問小明說:「1+1=?」小明說:「不知道」,老師就說:「回家問你的家人」。小明回到家了就問媽媽,剛好媽媽在洗碗,媽媽說:「不要吵,不要吵」,小明又去問爸爸,剛好爸爸在看新聞,爸爸就說:「美國總統」,接著小明又去問姐姐,剛好姐姐在洗澡,姐姐就說:「真爽,真爽」,後來小明又去問哥哥,哥哥在跟他At the heart of the modern Formula One car is the 'monocoque' (French for ‘single shell’), or 'tub'. It incorporates the driver's survival cell and cockpit, and also forms the principal component of the car's chassis, with engine and front suspension moun...


Just a Blog: Formula One Fatal Accidents (part 2)之前在當兵的時候A跟B吵了起來結果A拿了自動鉛筆不小心戳到了B後來這件事鬧的還不小,B說要告A傷害後來連長就說,喔,抓去關禁閉幾天就好了當時我那強大的學長參一就說...喵的這要怎麼送啦!我就問說怎麼了...他把禁閉文給我看我看到了上面寫著一兵XXX與一兵XXX因業務問題產生爭執並未經該員同意使用私人The impact with the fire extinguisher had wrenched Pryce's helmet upward sharply, and he had been partially decapitated by the strap. Death was almost certainly instantaneous. Pryce's Shadow DN8, now with its driver dead at the wheel, continued at speed d...


1977 Formula One season - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia有位夫子帶著弟子到郊外去尋訪作詩的題材,在路邊看到一塊人骨,他撿起來叫學生到街上買個甕,裝好並加以埋藏。當天夜裡,他聽到叩門聲,問:「是誰?」對方答道:「我是妃。」他好奇的開門,進來了一位自稱是楊貴妃的美女她說:「謝謝您讓我不致暴屍野外,今夜讓我以身相許,報答您的恩情。」溫存了一夜,天亮時,這女子便The 1977 Formula One season included the 28th FIA Formula One World Championship season, which commenced on 9 January 1977, and ended on 23 October after seventeen races. Niki Lauda won his second championship, despite Mario Andretti winning more races. J...


BECAK's NOTES: 10 accidents of the most famous formula 1阿倫對小美說:「畢業典禮那天,送妳花好嗎?」小美:「不行啦,我會過敏。」阿倫:「妳有花粉症嗎?」小美:「廢話!難道花粉會比我正嗎?」阿倫:「......」有錢人向來乞討的三名乞丐說︰你們哪個最懶,我給一千元。甲︰我已經有三年沒做事,每天只是晃蕩,一千元給我吧!乙︰三年有什麼稀奇!我從沒有工作過,錢應The most bizarre deaths in the F1 circuit of the review the cause, which is crushed by tank fire extinguisher weighing 20 kg. Renzo Zorzi is just an accident, due to the fuel gauge is broken. He parked his car on the left side of the track straight. Zorzi...
