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Dice - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia第一:學會讓自己安靜,把思維沉浸下來,慢慢降低對事物的慾望。把自我經常歸零,每天都是新的起點,沒有年齡的限制,只要你對事物的慾望適當的降低,會贏得更多的求勝機會。(所謂退一步自然寬.)第二:學會關愛自己,只有多關愛自己,才能有更多的能量去關愛他人,如果你有足夠的能力,就要盡量幫助你能幫助的人,那樣你Dice (singular die or dice;[1] from Old French dé; from Latin datum "something which is given or played";[2] plural dice or occasionally dices) are small throwable objects with multiple resting positions, used for generating random numbers. Dice are suita...


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