coke zero熱量

YouTuber Tapes Mentos To His Body, Jumps Into Tub Of Coke Zero (VIDEO)麥當勞叔叔的逆襲!!!! We're all fully aware that trivial entertainment can go viral. Last week, it was #TheDress. Now this week's trend is Hajime, a famous YouTuber whose ridiculous video is going viral. In it, Hajime tapes Mentos to his body and jumps into a tub full of Coke ...


Sales of Coke Zero Help Coca-Cola’s Profit Exceed Predictions - New York Times別再留這種智障文了... The Coca-Cola Company posted a better-than-expected quarterly profit yesterday as the continued introduction of Coke Zero helped bolster sales in many countries, allaying investors’ concerns that the soft drink business was stagnant. Shares of Coca-Cola r...
