cmd rem

Rem - Comment | Windows CMD | - SS64 | Command line reference學校公廁的標語REM In a batch file REM at the start of a line signifies a comment or REMARK, alternatively adding :: at the start of a line has a similar effect. For example: @ECHO OFF:::: First comment REM Second comment REM Echo Hello REM This remark is displayed by ....


CMD命令速查手冊 - 國立臺灣大學 資訊工程學系什麼,聖誕老人也敢抓?    CMD 命令速查手冊 Written by junluck 2007/02/24 星期六 ASSOC 顯示或修改檔案附檔名關聯。 AT 排定電腦上要執行的命令和程式。 ATTRIB 顯示或變更檔案屬性。 BREAK 設定或清除擴充的 CTRL+C 檢查。 CACLS 顯示或修改檔案的存取控制清單 (ACLs)。...


Cmd別人的腳Parameters /c : Carries out the command specified by string and then stops. /k : Carries out the command specified by string and continues. /s : Modifies the treatment of string after /c or /k. /q : Turns the echo off. /d : Disables execution of AutoRun ....


cmd.exe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia鯨象???Command Prompt, better known as cmd.exe or just cmd (after its executable file name), is the command-line interpreter on OS/2 and eComStation, Windows CE and Windows NT operating systems. It is the counterpart of COMMAND.COM in DOS and Windows 9x systems ...
