charge base

Fees and charges for visas - Australian Government Department of Immigration and Border Protection這太絕了... 1e The subsequent temporary application charge may be payable if you are in Australia when making the visa application. 1f For an applicant who applies in the course of acting as a representative of a foreign government and provides the department with su...


UCR Application 圖片來自 現在許多車車裡頭為了展現豪華氣派的氛圍,裝上了不管是真是假的木紋飾板,不知道大家喜不喜歡呢?車車裡出現大量的木紋或許卡友們已經是見怪不怪了,最近有為在國外網站上看到了《越南第一輛木頭車》,裡裡外外都是由木頭所打造的,快跟著有為一起來看看吧! 圖片來自:taNote: UCR System Mobile Version is Now Available!-- Motor carriers can now register and pay for their Unified Carrier Registration using their smart phone 24/7, 365 days a year. This mobile version also allows enforcement officers to verify the registrati...
