bit ly php script API|短縮URL|Web関連特集|PHP & JavaScript API 2012/3/25 bit.lyのURL短縮機能をWebサービスやアプリに組み込むためのAPIが提供されています。 ※商用利用についてはこちらのヘルプに記載されています。 ここでは APIでURL短縮を行うサンプルをいくつかご紹介します。...


Facebook Style Like/Unlike button with Collapsed Comments Script using jQuery and PHP. | 99Points現代人喜歡玩自拍不管走到哪都要自拍一下,自拍真是無奇不有,我們先來看看一般正常的自拍 大明星的自拍   正妹的自拍   高手自拍   博命自拍,真不知道這計程車司機怎麼會答應這對情侶這樣自拍?  Another post in facebook style tutorials series at You have seen facebook like/unlike button if you want to like a post you simple click on ... Database Structure I used 4 tables for this tutorial, one for saving posts, other for saving com...


Bitly | URL Shortener and Link Management Platform畫中畫,據說右腦發達者可見。救命!我一個也看不出來啊~ 1. 斧頭劈柴。 2. 兩個辣椒。 3. 幾個蘑菇。 4. 一個茶壺。 5. 三隻蜂鳥。 6. 一隻狼在狼窩裡。 7. 美人魚。 8. 一隻大企鵝。 9. 兩個愛心。   把左眼視覺和右眼視覺效果疊加在一張圖片上,基本思路和3D電影有Get the most out of your social and online marketing efforts. Own, understand and activate your best audience through the power of the link with Bitly Brand Tools. ... Unleash the Power of the Link The link connects your marketing efforts to how and where...


Extensions:2.6/Py/Scripts/Curve/Sapling Tree - BlenderWiki   太可愛了XDDInstallation This script is in Blender 2.5 Add-Ons menu. Download the script and place it in your addons folder. Introduction Modelling realistic trees can be a difficult task, especially if a large number of similar trees with small variations are requir...


Pi Store Shutdown - Raspberry Pi我跟爸爸說為什麼買這麼醜的衣服給我穿 我爸說,這是你臉的問題!! 不信你看換一張臉的話.. 婀....我長這樣是我的錯嗎?? 我要換衣服!!Pi Store Shutdown As you may be aware, recent changes to the treatment of VAT for sales within the EU forced us to remove all paid-for content from the Pi Store in the middle of 2015. Without a revenue stream it is no longer economical for us to operate t...
