acrostic poem example

Acrostic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia哈哈...為什麼呢?? An acrostic is a poem or other form of writing in which the first letter, syllable or word of each line, paragraph or other recurring feature in the text spells out a word or a message.[1] The word comes from the French acrostiche from post-classical Lati...


KidZone Poetry - Acrostic Poems - Kidzone Educational Worksheets!萌貓快遞員——美國費城快遞員Rudi Saldia和他的貓咪MJ一起送快遞。MJ六個月大,喜歡呆在Rudi的肩膀上,主人就順勢帶著她一起工作,現在Mj似乎很喜歡這種兜風的感覺,已經完成了25英里的路程。收件人總是愛摸摸MJ的下巴再簽收。 free printable activities and directions for grade school language arts learning. (reading, writing, and alphabet) ... Acrostic Poems © Contributed by Leanne Guenther [Introduction] [Printable Worksheets] [Example] Introduction: An acrostic poem is a very...
