123d remap

Very happy with my 123d remap today.P-tronicbox put to shame -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxZyXWzgiCU 招喚獸最新力作~~根本神作!! 我想招喚獸應該再也拍不出這樣的影片了!   相信我!!!! 你看完之後一定會轉給朋友! 然後期待他的反應~~~~   我當初看完之後完全說不出話 完全可以了解為Cog wrote:Yes thanks to dave at sedox and thanks to Jason also as i know you had a big hand in the mapping also . Learnt allot about modern tuning while I was there seems its not about raising boost and fuel anymore more about unlocking the limiters on th...


BMW 120d PP-Kit vs. BMW 123d (60-250 kph) - YouTube中午來了一個韓國女客人                                  (僅為示意圖) 用粗淺的中文問我們店裡有120d e81 with performance power kit 197hp (camera car) vs. stock 123d e81 204hp, rolling start @60 kph , 3rd gear, both manual 60-245 kph, slight ascending @ 200kph I had to slow down for a second to let him pass 1080p HD....


BMW - 請教一下BMW 0-100加速6秒內... - 汽車討論區 - Mobile01英國一項最新調查指出,一個人的出生月份,會影響他未來從事的工作及健康。1月出生的人比較容易成為醫生、6月份可望當上執行長,而眾人害怕的殺人魔,則多半在11月出生。 英國國家統計局針對英國社會從事19種行業的人按月份歸類,意外發現,每個人的出生月份和職業息息相關。1月出生的孩子從醫、討債和房地產經紀最不用300,不用200,也不用買2手.....只要買123D,再去花2萬REMAP.就能很接近你要的目標6秒了. 稅金牌照燃料通通只要繳2000CC的,便宜又大碗....


BMW 123d Coupe - thoughts? - PistonHeads - PistonHeads | Cars for Sale | Car News | Motoring Forum 安潔莉娜裘莉飾演的黑魔女有著血紅的雙唇、妖氣逼人的綠眼睛,十足壞女人模樣,但你有沒有想過黑魔女換人當後的模樣?倫敦市長Boris Johnson、英國保守黨第一位女主席Theresa May等人換上這樣的裝扮,居然還頗為適合!最後一位登場的俏魔女Nick Clegg還走可愛路線~ Photo ilI traded-in my z4m for a 123d msport 3dr hatch over Christmas and so far and its really impressed me, infact I'm quite surprised by how good it is. Performance wise, especially in 3rd and above it flies, and is great to hustle around back roads. I do a 45...


BMW 123d Remapping & Upgrades - Angel Tuning日本高中生也太強了,拍攝了2500張以上的圖片製作成的影片。 完整度超高的拉!!我也要加入戰場...     ____BMW 123d Tuning We are so confident you will enjoy the results, we offer a ‘Full 14 Day Money Back Guarantee’ ! Angel Tuning remap the standard files on the car’s ECU, which is the only safe & correct way to tune modern engines. We do not offer a ‘tuning ...
