123d creature

123D Sculpt+不管是鑰匙還是電風扇,你曾經想過這些東西是怎麼運作的嗎?以下12張GIF動圖以最簡單的方式向你解釋一切! 看完或許對人生不會有太大的影響,但立馬覺得自己懂很多啊!鋪設海底電纜?拜託,那有什麼問題!(推眼鏡)   小號 鑰匙 零錢分類   鋪設海底電纜 洗衣機 縫紉機  Start from a basic skeleton Sculpt+ skeleton builder makes creating 3D sculptures as easy as drawing a stick figure. Drag joints to create new limbs or adjust their ... Sculpt using our easy tools In the sculpting room you can refine the surface shape usi...


123D Creature - 123D Blog  你還記得你小時候曾經為了哪些愚蠢事落淚嗎?如果想不起來,這篇文章可以幫助你好好複習。 今年32歲的爸爸Greg Pembroke養了兩個不到四歲的兒子。也許是被逼到無路可退,Greg決定把他這兩個兒子哭泣的荒唐原因全部用相機記錄下來。   我們建議他可以玩玩火車"  123D Creature has a really prolific community. Every day there are so many new and awesome models from our users that are so impressive, we wanted to see their working process! We asked some Creature users to record their iPad modeling sessions in two ......


Creative applications for Makers | Autodesk 123D  16歲的Rain每天去上課時,爸媽都會站在門前跟他揮手道別。Rain感到很丟臉,於是私下告訴媽媽,請不要再讓爸爸這樣做了,於是…. 這位強者爸爸決定展開大復仇!展開一串讓兒子在同學面前完全失去尊嚴的企劃。相信經過這次的鍛鍊,Rain的臉皮應該會比以前增厚十倍。  Free download software for 3d modeling, scanning, printing and fabrication on windows, mac os x and ios ipad iphone ... For people who want to make things themselves, Autodesk 123D is free software integrated with content and fabrication services. Free pr...


123D Creature and 123D Sculpt users – big news for you! - 123D Blog迪士尼電影《冰雪奇緣》一炮而紅,出現群起cosplay也是很正常的事,不過來自美國紐約的Angela裝扮完成後,卻美到震撼網路界!     Angela今年16歲,喜歡縫紉、畫畫、睡覺,以及cosplay。《冰雪奇緣》的Elsa並不是她第一個模仿的對向,但照片po上網後,隨即造成Today we are pleased to welcome 123D Sculpt+ to the 123D family of easy to use consumer apps. If you are a 123D Creature user, you'll get Sculpt+ when you next update. If you are a 123D Sculpt user, you should get Sculpt+ from your app store (iOS or Andro...


Autodesk 123D Creature - Trailer HD - YouTube人生中9件無能為力的事,值得細細品味~   如果你幸運的看到了這篇文章,那麽你將是真的很幸運!因為生活中,並不是只要努力就什麽都可以的,不只是你,我們都一樣,這篇文章是寫給那些正處於煩惱,迷茫中的人,看了這生命中無能為力的十件事後,相信你會懂得很多,放開很多,得到很多!真的!希望每個看到的Autodesk 123D Creature - Trailer HD SUBSCRIBE NOW: http://bit.ly/Tme7Ju FOLLOW US: https://www.facebook.com/pixelplanet.org https://twitter.com/pixelplanet1 Official Website: http://www.123dapp.com/ Make amazing things with Autodesk 123D apps Catch real o...
