
Heath Ledger - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia原來如此!重點是人啊!!Heath Andrew Ledger (4 April 1979 – 22 January 2008) was an Australian actor and director. After performing roles in Australian television and film during the 1990s, Ledger left for the United States in 1998 to develop his film career. His work comprised ...


希斯·萊傑 - 维基百科 希斯·安德魯·莱杰(Heath Andrew Ledger,1979年4月4日-2008年1月22日),已故澳大利亚男演员,奥斯卡最佳男配角奖得主,電影《断背山》的主角,2008年因藥物過量逝世於美國紐約,年29歲。...


Heath Ledger - Biography - IMDb【罵人不帶髒字的歇後語】 1.蝙蝠身上擦雞毛--你算什麼鳥?  2.茶壺裡的水--滾開! 3.擦粉進棺材--死要面子! 4.大火燒竹林-----一片光棍; 5.唱戲的腿抽筋--下不了台; 6.芝麻地裡撒黃豆--雜種; 7.床單作尿布--夠大方! 8.骯髒他娘哭骯髒—&mdashWhen a hunky, twenty-year-old heart-throb Heath Ledger first came to the attention of the public in 1999, it was all too easy to tag him as a "pretty......


Heath Ledger Biography - Facts, Birthday, Life Story - Biography.com一天老師對小明說:“小明啊!你有沒有親弟弟啊?”小明突然往自己的褲襠看了看,然後皺著眉頭對老師說:“老師,我親不到!”   Heath Ledger was an Academy Award-winning, Australian actor best known for his roles in Brokeback Mountain and The Dark Knight. He died of an accidental prescription drug overdose in 2008. Heath Ledger was born on April 4, 1979, in Perth, Australia. His b...
